This has been a very terrible day for me and the “most”
terrible day for someone else! There has never been a day like this in my life
ever! Right now, I feel so heavy, guilty and scared for a trust broken, a
friendship ruined and a feeling devastated and wounded
I wish this heaviness that I am feeling right now would
instantly disappear and this headache that is creeping in my head is just a
result of another hard day’s work. But no, the reality is that an unforeseen
conflict has happened and I do not know if things will ever be the same again.
Today, I hurt the feelings of a friend; a friend whom I
would least and actually never want to hurt. I told her the truth and I’ve
prepared myself for the worst scenario and consequences. But I never did expect
that I would feel this heavy seeing her get hurt and shed tears. That’s the
worst part ever, seeing her cry! It was truly heartbreaking and I felt like I
was doomed to feel all the guilt and burdens that came along with the
I lied. My intention of not telling her the truth at the
very beginning was to protect her feelings. I definitely knew then that she’ll
really get offended with that “trashy and lousy talk" about her. Yet
too bad for me, who could be awarded for being the worst actor ever, she felt
that something isn’t right and I’m hiding something from her. A lie is still a
lie. And I know that it’s really a wrong thing to do! But at that moment, that
is what I had thought to do. I was such a lame thinker that time! And I’ll
definitely regret that!
Would you rather lie in the idea of protecting someone’s
feelings or just tell her something that is wounding straightforwardly? If I
were you, what would you choose to do?
In the end, I still told her the truth and just like what
I've been expecting right from the start, she really got mad! That is even an
understatement I think! Imagine the feeling of seeing someone whose soul was
broken and that look in the eye telling that
I hope that this shall pass. And I truly hope that it won’t
be for a very long time. I rarely find people who are to be treasured as real friends
and she is definitely one of them. To tell you honestly, breaking her trust and
hurting her feelings would be the least thing that I’d ever do. I don’t really
want to ruin my relationships with any of my “friends” because there are only a
few of them. Most importantly, I would not want to lose any of them.
Unfortunately, something unexpected happened and things have been said and
done. The damage has been done and there is nothing else that I can do but to
wait for her healing and forgiveness.