Friday, October 19, 2012

Hopeful Wanna-Be

There is this funny line that I read one time and it goes like this, “When God showered talents on earth, I must be sleeping”. That hit me! That was comical and yet metaphorically applicable for me. There are really times when I feel frustrated and feel like there is really nothing that I’m really excellent with. I’m neither a good singer nor a good dancer. Well, I can sing, but not really with a golden or angelic voice (sigh…). And when you see me dance, I’m probably one of the stiffest one you’ll ever see. I’m neither good in arts or sports. Ironically, I maybe tall and all that but I’m not really an athletic type. But I know how to play badminton and I love basketball, too. I just don’t know why the ball seems to weigh like it’s 10 pounds or more and I could hardly throw it into the ring. I’ve got a weak stamina too that’s why. I just prefer watching games rather than playing it. Lastly, I don’t know how to play any musical instrument except for xylophone. 

If you would ask me the top things that I want to have or learn, I really want to have a good singing voice and to learn how to play musical instruments, which include the piano, violin and guitar. I really love music and I really wish I could make good music on my own too. What an enormous desire!
I really admire the young guitarist named Sungha Jung. He is so good! And he really looks so cool and cute when he is playing his guitar! I wish I could be that good also! Here is one of his recently uploaded video on Youtube. He never fails to amaze me!

If ever I will learn how to play the piano, the first piece that I want to master is the Love Affair by Ennio Morricone! It’s one of my most favorite melody ever! It always gives me this nostalgic and soothing feeling. It’s really beautiful and I will never get tired listening to it.

You can’t really have it all! But the good thing is that God always gives you something that you can be totally good at! He doesn’t leave you empty-handed. Hence, all that you have to do is to hone what you innately have. And don’t ever try comparing yourself with others. Each and every person differs. Don’t think that you’re superior or inferior with what you have and don’t have. You don’t need to compete with anyone. I believe that you should only compete with your own self. You want to be better, try to better, as a way of self-improvement. Don’t take it as if like you are competing with others, instead gather inspiration from them. Anyway, there is always this thing called learning.

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